Tuesday, September 21, 2010

So You Angry, Huh?

I just had to post this to compliment what Gevar posted. I agree with him. Chill out with the craziness. It really makes no sense to give in fully to your emotions. That's why we have a brain, you know, to reason think and plan. So many people want to shut their minds off just so they can "feel with all their heart." I thought the heart was suppose to be pure? So where does the anger come from? That's neither here or there.

http://topnews.in/files/Be-angry.jpgYes, we make the conscious decision to follow our family, friends, associates, teammates, co-workers and church family on these social networks. We make that decision. Why we do it is based on various reasons that boil down to the fact that we wanted to. That also is besides the point at this moment. Just because you are angry does no mean that you need to out someone's personal life out or voice your extreme hatred for a religion or political opinion. Yes, you have the right to do it, but just because you have the right to something doesn't make it acceptable.

I have to draw lines at certain issues. Exposing your ex husband's crossing dressing habits cause he didn't pick the kids up before your date. Going on a bad date, with someone you didn't even bother giving a chance to. Airing out your roommate's personal business cause of some stupid argument the two of you had. Going off on your mom because she took your car away. Blasting out your boyfriend/girlfriend cause they cheated on you or you think they cheated on you, is terrible. WHATEVER. LESSONS LEARNED. Now you found out that you don't need to waste your time in that relationship. Or maybe there are some issues that the TWO of you need to talk about minus the rest of your extended social circuit knowing about it. i have no idea why everyone wants to have more drama in their lives than they already have.  I know I don't. Plus it's not worth trying to ruin someone's life over.

Just keep it to yourself. Stop trying to blast people out, and if you want to do it... be as general as possible, like we are going to do on this blog. We don't mean or want to personally attack anyone, but we do what to make people aware that they may have to change for the better. Think of our blogs as rubber bullets. Yes, we did shoot you, but we weren't trying to kill you.... maybe this was a bad metaphor but you get the picture.

Ranting post will be brought up a number of times on this blog. You have to be mindful of what you say. The words that come out of your mouth are more power than you realize, and they do give you a certain image. Keep it together and it is ok to keep your mouth closed


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