Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Everyone has been rejected in their lifetime. It actually happens on a regular basis, whether we realize it or not. I know I experience rejection daily. I can't even begin to tell you how many times my proposals have been rejected. When I look back on some of my rejections I i tend to laugh at them, and many of them I am thankful for being rejected.

Rejection doesn't always have to be a negative thing. We just look at it in a negative way because no one likes to be denied anything. Even if it's something they didn't need to begin with. If you were given everything you ever asked for, how would that help you? Where is the benefit in that? What lesson will you ever learn? How would you ever grow? Thinking about it, to never be rejected would mean that you are perfect, and we all know that perfection doesn't exist in humanity.

Rejection CAN make us stronger. It allows us to see and assess our faults (or the direction which we have chosen to travel). People who handle rejection well basically learn from their faults become better people. However, I said "can" because the people who handle rejection poorly, tend to either completely shut down or ignore that they may have faults. Those are the people who point fingers at others or punish themselves too harshly.

Take a deeper look at yourself. The next time you get rejected, ask better questions so that you can make better decisions and move forward in life. Ask yourself if you really need to be in the situation you were (or currently) trying to place yourself in, whether it be a job, a relationship, or whatever. Rejection doesn't always have to be a negative thing (it just doesn't feel good). You have to maintain a positive outlook on your future, stop over analyzing your situation, and believe that things will work out for the best.

My dad sent me this message a couple of months ago: Disappointment happens to all of us. The Bible says that the rain falls on the just and the unjust alike. The Bible says that all things work for the good of those who love God and are called unto His purpose. So remember, the joy of the Lord is out strength. So there is no need to stay disappointed, God has promised it will all work to our benefit.

So keep your head up people.

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Other Perspective

Sometimes......... you just need to hear it from somebody else........ so this time........ i'll let him handle it...
So..... there you have it..... well have a great week.....