Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Misconceptions of Judging in Christianity

I have observed that when the topic of judgment is brought up from a biblical standpoint, people usually lean towards two extremes. One of those extremes being that judging is strictly prohibited within Christianity. The other being that it is the duty of believers to rebuke other fellow Christians and spread the gospel. While there is truth to both of these views, balance is such a vital necessity! 


Getting too comfy with either of these perspectives can become extremely toxic to our growth with Christ. Shouting out defensively "Only God can judge me!" whenever someone offers some constructive or valid criticism is ignorant.

While the mentality of no judgement would suggest that we should remain in total silence as we watch our loved ones head down the road to destruction. Well, that's pretty painful! Kind of reminds me of watching a character in a horror movie go back into the house while the audience yells at the screen in vain! 

Is that what God is really saying through His Word? I think that a lot of times, whether consciously or not, we tend to focus on one part that we like instead of stepping back to look at The Word of God in it's entirety. Or perhaps we just know some isolated verses from hearsay and/or tradition? Which leaves the door wide open for scriptures to be misinterpreted, not to mention completely taken out of context! 

Many are familiar with Jesus teaching that "He who is without sin cast the first stone." He was saving a woman from being persecuted and after He made that thought-provoking statement, her accusers left. Christ told her to go and sin no more. Was Jesus saying never to have an opinion or a voice as one of His followers? No. But He is saying and demonstrating not to persecute sinners! Reflect, empathize and show mercy to others instead. These actions better illustrate the love of God.  

"It is better to have eyes for beauty – than for blemish. It is better to be able to see the rose – than the thorns. It is better to have learned to look for things to commend in others – than for things to condemn. Of course other people have faults – and we are not blind. But then we have faults of our own – and this should make us charitable."
J.R. Miller Judging Others, 1894.

In Proverbs you will find many verses on taking advice as well as criticism. Chapter thirteen it reads, "Pride leads to conflict;those who take advice are wise". Two chapters over reads, "If you listen to constructive criticism,you will be at home among the wise." Throughout the bible, it is evident that words of wisdom and even rebukes are favored as long as they are handled integrity, humility and love. (Daniel 4:27, 1 Corinthians 5, Galatians 6:1-3 On the other end of the spectrum, a lot of Christians in their misdirected zeal become "micro-managers" when it comes to correcting others. It's ridiculous and manipulative to pick someone apart regarding every little thing! Apostle Paul brought this issue to attention in Romans 14...

"Welcome with open arms fellow believers who don't see things the way you do. And don't jump all over them every time they do or say something you don't agree with—even when it seems that they are strong on opinions but weak in the faith department. Remember, they have their own history to deal with. Treat them gently."

The same Paul rebuked a member of the church for having sexual relations with his stepmother in 1 Corinthians 5. Was he contradicting himself? I don't think so. Paul is saying to pick your battles! You don't have to smile and nod at  destructive behavior that jeopardizes someone's salvation. But to argue over who eats shrimp* and who doesn't is just really a waste of time and could easily discourage someone in their walk. Besides, God doesn't need us playing "holy ghost patrol" all the time. Relaxxx! And if you're truly concerned about something that minor, give it to God and trust that His will is done!

[Christians are] not to be hasty in making negative judgments on their fellows. It is a dangerous procedure because it invites a similar judgment in return. And it is a difficult procedure because our own faults make it hard for us to see precisely what is amiss in our fellows. Jesus is not, of course, forbidding all judgments; He is warning against the hasty condemnations that are so easy to make, and so characteristic of the human race.
Leon Morris
Matthew, Eerdmans, 1992, p. 164.

We also must be careful of making "final" judgments of character. Making statements like "He'll never amount to anything..." or "She's going to hell!" is putting ourselves in the place of the Author when our role is the character. We don't know how the story will end for an individual... and it's not our job to! There was a warning about this type of self-righteousness in James chapter 4.

So, I'm rapping it up ladies and gents! Just want to stress again that balance is the key! And when we sincerely search the word for understanding, we find that it's there. Thanks for hanging with me on this one! And a special thank you to the men of Ghidorah3 (Vaughn, Gev, & Jrome) for having me as a siren! =) I would also like to thank my hubbz for letting me hog the computer! 

With sincere love,

Your Friend Kimmy



*Eating sea creatures was forbidden in the law of Moses Lev. 11:9-12, but when Jesus came we were freed from the law Rom. 12 and we could live in the fruits of the spirit Gal. 5:19-23 from then on.


  1. Love it! You made some very good points and made me think.

    I believe it's ok to have an opinion, but the same passion you show in criticizing and judging others should also reflect in the way you try to help and build them up. If you care so much to speak on it, what are you doing to help? If we have trained ourselves to primarily look for the negative in everything and everyone, that's all we will ever get and it's impossible for our criticism to ever be constructive. Ironically, these same people can't accept criticism in their own lives because they rarely critique or see fault within themselves.

  2. I enjoyed this post very much.

    I agree with you. I just don't necessarily see criticism as being negative. I think that idea comes from the fact that people don't like to be corrected. No one likes to think that what they are doing is wrong. People take the "Only God can judge me" statement too far and it makes them look ignorant, cause they are to a certain degree. Just because he is the only one that makes a final judgement on your soul doesn't mean that there are no consequences for your actions.
    With the sinful woman he made a statement that made everyone realize that they are not without sin.... I really like that scripture though. It brings awareness if you look at it correctly.

    That's why i don't understand this common trend for pastors to take one verse out of the Bible and make a sermon from it. a lot of the times its taken out of context.

    I didn't mean to rant, I liked it, I hope people read this.

  3. .... not saying you said criticism was bad...

  4. I like this a lot. This is definitely something I need to work on. As a person I'm pretty good not judging people around me (friends, family, etc.) The problem I tend to have is judging celebrities, rappers and politicians and so on. Thing about it, is that they are people too. I feel as though I should find good in everything including things that might just seem ...uh..crazy?. But there's definitely a THIN line between being judgmental and/or stating what's wrong and right.

  5. Oh yea... SHALOM!!!!

  6. I feel you Jonathan!!

    I asked a good friend of mine to peep my post.. she commented via facebook...

    When I first saw it, I was like, "gosh this is long". LOL. But, it was well worth the read.

    You're right, we need to know our roles as characters, and continue to let God be the Author and Finisher. It's easy to say "only God can judge me" when we're in the wrong. But, Iron sharpens iron. And, Satan wants us to keep quiet while others go into destruction. Happy medium is needed. And, we "should" ALWAYS be lead by God to know how to handle each situation as it arises. Jesus didn't do anything the same way.

  7. And, we "should" ALWAYS be lead by God to know how to handle each situation as it arises. Jesus didn't do anything the same way. <<<Love what she said here!!
