Monday, February 28, 2011

Intro to Evaluating the Next Step in Relationships

The older I get the more I think about marriage and relationships. To me relationship is the only thing that really matters in this world. It's the beginning and the ending of almost everything if you really think about. With my friends and family taking their relationships to the next level I could help but to ask myself questions. They were pretty interesting questions if i should say so myself, so I shared them with my friends just to see what their opinions and thought processes were.

Some people think I think to much, and that may be in the case in certain situations but I believe that these questions are important. They way you answer a question actually says more about you than a lot of people think. Your answers can show where your focus is when it comes to certain issues. They can even tell you what kind of person you are. Of course you all know this. So I've asked myself and my friends these following questions and I will be answering them throughout the week:
- Are engagement rings important to have in the evolution of the relationship or just a waste of money?

- Would/Could you marry a man if he didn't give you a marriage/engagement ring?

- Would you still want to marry your spouse-to-be if he or she didn't want a traditional wedding?

- Would you create a prenuptial agreement or sign one? How do you feel about prenuptial agreements?

- What would you do if your spouse cheated on you? what would be your sequence of actions?

- How would you want to be dealt with if you are the one that cheated?

 Pretty interesting questions huh? Maybe not, but I recieved some interesting responses. So I'm taking over the blog this week. That being said it will mainly be my opinion being expressed so feel free to argue or discuss your viewpoint. I welcome it.
I hoe you guys enjoy


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