Friday, October 8, 2010

Could You Date A Pornstar?

I was watching a movie called, This Girl's Life. Don't ask me what I was thinking when I decided to watch a movie called This Girl's life, but it was a pretty interesting movie. It was basically about an adult film star and her life off camera. I know what you're thinking now, "I know why he watched that movie..." that's not it at all, but that's hat made it interesting. I suggest you check the movie out cause I liked it. Anyway, I was watching the movie and this question came to my mind, it's a little funny cause this isn't the first time I've asked myself this question, and my answer changes over the years. The question is: Could I Date a Pornstar? G introduced me to this song.... I thought it mildly appropriate for the subject. Lol When I first asked myself this question, my answer was yes. I was naive then. I thought the idea of dating a porn star would be really cool. I was lustfully making decisions off the idea of having great sex. Also when I would find a female attractive all I really cared was building on that moment. If we built on that moment then everything would be okay... I know, I know... So, I first said yes from then to now my answer is a definite no. I think the question is pretty funny to ask people. Almost everyone wants to act shocked that you would ask them a question like that. Like you just questioned all that was morally just with them. Chill out. Its just a question. I do have to say that my favorite people to ask this question to are the guys that cheat on their girlfriends. When I first ask them they first get this sense of excitement only for them to actually actually think about what it is that person does and eliminate the idea all together. Pretty amusing. Here you have a guy who is unfaithful to his girl but the idea of his girl being openly unfaithful to him is wrong. I couldn't date an active porn star and be cool with it. I'm not cool on the idea of infidelity and sex isn't all that to me. Yeah, it feels good, but it just a feeling. There is more to a relationship than sex. I don't like infidelity because I know how it would make me feel, so why do it to someone else if you can't handle the idea. I know people don't like being cheated on cause they sneak around when they do it. So the act ones with a sense of shame. I can understand that sex is a porn star's job but it's still sex. That's an intimate act, you can't get any physically closer to someone than that. Sex isn't just sex. We just detach ourselves from it's purpose. We are pleasure junkies. I just couldn't handle the fact that my girl is getting beasted at work and getting paid for it. On the other hand, I could probably date a former porn star. First thought about this when I saw the movie The Girl Next Door (good movie check it out). It's funny how we try to compare our morality to the morality of others. We compare and measure out actions against one another. We feel like just because when we make a wiser decision over another and the other person doesn't then that makes us morally superior than them. Then we start judging one another and don't even attempt to forgive them, because they "crossed the line" and we didn't. I think we need to forgive people and allow them to forgive themselves. Yeah she use to do porn but she doesn't do it anymore and she can't take those moment away, so do I hang that over her head? I don't think so. Sure it'll bring up some awkward moments but we can get over stuff. We need to get over some things I know when I ask people this question they tend to draw back in defense. Sometimes it's better to just open up and really answer a question to see where it leads to. I've been involved in some very interesting conversations that just sparked from a seemingly dumb question. Mostly cause I was being asked by some insightful people. Allow yourself to truly assess all that is involved with the question and you may find yourself challenging your own ideas and current actions. Hopefully it's all to change you into a better person.

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