Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Good, The Bad, And The "F**K YOU TOO"

A few days ago i got to talking to G(Gevar) about my previous post and we dove into friendships, family, and relationships. As we grow up we USUALLY see (thru TV, movies, and in some cases real life) the joys of relationships. All of us tend to want the house with the white picket fence and the 2.5 kids and a dog/cat. Most of us are so caught up in that sense of being there, we are all hoping to reach that point of happiness not knowing the troubles we will hit. Our parents, bros/sis, try to warn us as we grow older and begin dating but you never know what that pain is until you go through it. honeymoon In every decent relationship you have two periods that can really define how good or how bad the relationship will be, or has been. Most people hit the honeymoon mark and then start to see things that they had no idea about when looking at their partner... (Wait! Whats the honeymoon period? you ask...) honeymoon
The honeymoon period is the 3-6 months after the relationship begins. its a time can can make or break any relationship. Why call it the honeymoon period? simple because once you hit that 3-6months you start to see thing about your partner that never bothered you before.

a few examples:

  • They're not big on being romantic
  • They tend to get mad over little things
  • They get mad and raise their voice at you
  • You can never do anything right
  • They are very boring
  • The sex is never anything new (same positions everytime)
  • They dont clean up enough
  • They never cook
  • They NEVER pay for outings(dinner, movies, trips, parties, clubs, drinks ect.)
  • They cant be satisfied in any way

honeymoon The honeymoon is the first real test to any relationship (seeing that im GUESSING you already have the in with the rentals{parents}). It can be the make it or break it point depending on how many problems you may or may not have with you partner. Its a struggle but if its the relationship you want dive n and love hard. Sigh then theres that part that we get a glimpse of but never really understand until we go through it honeymoon It can be one of those things that blindside you and knocks you off your feet. It can be a gut check by cheating, a fight, or simply realizing the truth to the fact that you are not meant to be. The cheating reason is possibly the most common now days because we have become a "please ME" nation. Only caring about what we want right now instead of what we could have tomorrow. We never know breaking up will be a good or bad thing we only know its hit and we have to deal with what it is. Sometimes we try to deny it and say "we can work it out". Sometimes we think that "it's ok she/he will be back". You know the "Break-up to Make-up" game that we've all experienced. Not exactly fair to either party yet in our own selfishness we overlook the damage it is doing and may do. Its almost lie'n not only to yourself but to the other person as well (but thats another blgo for another day). Sometimes the break up is the thing best for both parties. When you go through "The Break Up" most people tend to take it the way they've heard of it... as a bad thing. Yet most of the time we fail to realize that it can be good, dont see the growth we've made as a person, friend, lover, partner. I've always felt you can make good of any bad situation... but in the case of the honeymoon and the break up all you have to do is be real with each other and you dont have to worry about a situation getting bad you just learn to let it go and move on with continuing to find happiness. The Good, The Bad, and the POSSIBLE "Fuck You Too"... but only if you let it be

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