Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Maybe It's You

So I had this thought a while back: Have you ever wondered why you can’t find the right man? Maybe because you aren’t the right woman… but there is that possibility that you are looking for the wrong thing…

We all have up and downs but let’s get serious. I really hate how the ladies are coming to the conclusion that they can’t find a good man out there. Do you even have a realistic idea of what a good man is? I hate to add to your negativity but maybe, just maybe you aren’t as good a woman as you think you are. Common sense should begin to kick in eventually. If you are always with the wrong man then something obviously is wrong with you (Common sense isn’t so common anymore I see). Maybe you aren’t making the best decisions in life.

Let’s look at it as if you are taking a test…. If you get your test back and you received an F you obviously didn’t know the right answers. A good student sees where they messed up, learns from that mistake, and begins to practice better study habits so they won’t fail again. However, when it comes to relationships we attempt to place restrictions rather than improve. So in theory we are holding ourselves back. Basically we are saying “Every time I marked A I got the answer wrong so I won’t mark A on any more of my test.” This sounds really stupid and that is exactly what we do. Say a football player didn’t take the relationship or you seriously, now you are done with all football players but you still didn’t learn anything from the situation and still find yourself with dudes you shouldn’t be with.

In my experiences every time a female says there aren’t any good men around she is completely overlooking all the guys around her. She isn’t really looking for a good man at all. I actually think that these females enjoy disappointments in their life. There are people who thrive off disappointments in their lives; they enjoy that feeling.

How are you going to complain about there being no good men or good men are hard to find when you spend the vast majority of your time overlooking them? I even go as far as to ask, do you even know what a good man is?

I can’t stand to hear some female (or dude for that fact) talk about how they are the baddest in town… no good man (or woman) wants to hear that. No one wants to talk to someone with an over inflated ego, it just makes you look dumb when it’s all said and done. Nobody likes cockiness and no that isn’t confidence, because you are as shallow as they come. Then your next sentence is about you not needing a man (or woman) and about how you got this and that, but that itch of loneliness is hard to scratch isn’t it? So you hit the clubs and the hot spots in your best outfit looking for attention. You can’t deny that you don’t because you really do. You are not even dressing for yourself. You are dressing for the attention that you crave so much, and when you don’t get your desired attention you begin to spiral. You go and make up these excuses as to why you don’t get noticed and this and that. Maybe it’s because you are not about anything. I mean look where you are trying to get attention… the club? Its dark, loud, smells terrible and people already have a certain mindset once they get there. Do you know how disappointing it is to start talking to a female you are physically attracted to, only to find out that she isn’t worth more than a one night stand or a more than a simple greeting? Very sad. So imagine constantly getting that… Everything after “hello” goes completely down hill; your expectations begin to lower. You no longer search for that in that form of environment or type of person. Ladies please don’t’ think for a second that you are the only sex losing faith in finding the right one.

I also don’t like how guys want to guard themselves from being vulnerable… being vulnerable can be a good thing…

My other favorite thing to hear is when you tell a girl to stop being bitter cause she is lonely and guarded and she responds by saying she is not bitter she is just tired of no good dudes and that she is focusing on herself…. Yet she doesn’t make any lasting improvements. The only thing she has done is take time to get “ol’ buddy” out of her mind. She still fails to truly evaluate herself. So when she steps back in the game she has the same tired failing game plan, and wonders why she keeps losing. So now she wants to be a player so she won’t get played anymore, but instead of getting back at the dude that played her by, moving on with her life. She decides to lower herself and play dudes that actually care about her. Now her worth is lowered, by her own hand. So sure she may have won some games but she had another losing season. We all take heavy hits but a lot of us choose to stay down or quit the game entirely.

The other thing I like to read is when a female post that a dude missed out on a “good” woman and she’ll find another one that can appreciate her…. Did your shallow friends tell you that? Why do you feel the need to announce this to the world so that you can get all these other insecure people to verify that yes, you can replace him…. But they never tell you that you need to work on yourself… did it ever occur to you that maybe you were dismissed? Maybe you aren’t worth it. Maybe you just don’t stack up to his potential…. That can’t be true because guys don’t have standards when it comes to females right? We snatch up the first thing that comes round…. (That mentality is probably why you by yourself). Haven’t met his family? Maybe your potential isn’t worth investing in. Short tempered and bitter? Who wants that?

By the time you get a good dude you don’t know what to do with him, so he can’t deal with you.

I just wanted to ruffle some feathers. The fact of the matter is, we have to truly evaluate ourselves and take time to understand what we are really looking for and stop confusing our want for companionship and affection with lust and other failures. Let’s make sense in some of the things we do. Let’s stop craving for more attention when we can’t even handle the little attention that we already receive….

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