Thursday, October 21, 2010

Forgive Me.... Please???

We were all born with the gift of free choice. We can basically make any decision we want in life. It our freedom. Given that you have to make a decision implies that you have more than one choice to make. This in itself leaves room for error. Which means that we are all going to make a bad decision. Seeing that we don't purposely make bad decisions means that we make mistakes. So since everyone makes mistakes, no one is perfect. No one is over some one and no one is technically better than someone. At least to some extent or another. Now I know that we aren't all equal in morality and some people are not as morally conscious as others. I'm not talking about the evil people in the world. I'm talking about the "regular people" or morally stable people, if you will. Everyone slips up from time to time and the most common practice is to forgive them. Is anyone or any action above forgiveness? I don't think so. We may feel like we can't forgive people or their actions but why not? I actually think about "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." I know I make mistakes I don't mean to, they just happen and for various reasons. When I make mistakes I want people to forgive me. I don't want people being mad at me cause I wronged them on accident and I don't want them mad at me cause I wronged them on purpose. I feel like if I can forgive myself for my actions then so should you. If I cant forgive myself for my actions then you should forgive me and bring me to the light. Everyone wants to play the victim and hold some grudge over people for too long. People enjoy being miserable. The most common miserable practice that I witness involves relationships. People aren't completely honest all the time. Because of this some people lie and cheat. I don't justify cheating but at some point you have to let it go. Yes you were hurt and you were wronged but let it go and move on. Stop trying to carry the hurt with you everywhere you go and applying it to the people you meet. Allow yourself to forgive so that you can be a stronger person. Forgiveness doesn't give people a free pass to do whatever they want without any consequence either. It really allows you to find peace without compromising your moral integrity. I look at Black people today and it's kind of bad. We have not forgiven white people for all the things that have happened throughout history and at the same time we haven't really moved on either. We do the most harmful things to each other and make excuses for why we do it. The drugs and violence are unnecessary, yet we constantly participate in it. That is no way to a better life and blaming people for why you stooped so low is not the answer. When it comes down to it, we have all been given an opportunity to further our advancement in this world in a wide range of activities and venues, we make decision not to capitalize on those opportunities. We need to stop playing the victim and own up to our actions and learn to forgive and move on So make a decision today. Are you going to blame other people for your actions? Blame people for why YOU can't love? Why YOU can't succeed? Blame people for why YOU break the law? It all comes back to YOU in the end. So just move on. One up someone by succeeding in life the way you were meant to and not in a way were you envision yourself standing over them, while they sulk in failure. Be happy with things that mean something. Appreciate the ones around you that want you to succeed cause they want you to be happy

1 comment:

  1. Forgiveness is hard though. Can you really forgive someone that has wronged you to a certain degree? Some situations are easy to forgive someone over and others aren't.
