Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Google It.

I don't understand why people get so offended when they ask me to explain something to them in detail and I say "Google it." If I give you that answer, it's not because I want to be difficult and callous, but because of one of three reasons (usually a combination of all three, to be honest):

  • I'm busy and don't have the time to give you an answer.
  • You are not 5 years old. I don't have the energy nor do I want to use the energy to explain something to you in a way that you can understand. It's very tiring sometimes. And I trust that you're smart enough to find the meaning in things for yourself just like anyone else; you're just being lazy.
  • I want you to learn to ask your own questions and seek your own answers. You have the first part down pat....let's work on the second half of that equation.

Before you call me a jerk ("I know."), please understand that I was raised this way. I was allowed and encouraged to pick up a book (pre-Google days) and read to find my own answers to my questions. My parents and teachers knew and understood that whatever was in said book could explain it better than they ever could; not because they were dumb, but because it forced me to rely on my OWN interpretation of facts rather than theirs. It made me feel empowered that I was capable of learning independently; and I enjoyed doing it. Probably the best tangible gift I ever received when I was younger was the full set of Encyclopedia Britannica that my grandmother bought for us. Between that and the dictionary, I learned at an early age that knowledge was right at my fingertips and I didn't have to depend on someone else as a source for it.

I fail to understand why, in the "Information Age", so many of us are NOT informed and are happy with that fact. It kills me to witness people who are fully aware of their ignorance, but have no desire to transcend. Get out of your own way! Literally, ANYTHING you want to know is probably 10 seconds away (depending on how fast you type). If that isn't convenience, I don't know what is. But honestly I believe that is the problem; it's a little too convenient. Having everything within arms reach has made us so lazy that we don't even care to utilize it because we don't really have to work for it. We are free to learn, think, and understand for ourselves like never before. Thus, the value of knowledge has decreased for many.

If you are over 20 and still saying things like...

"Favorite book? I don't read.....other than [insert rudimentary magazine here]. I'm 'bout my money!"

"I don't read/watch the news....nothing on there affects me or has anything to do with me."

"Political views: Apathetic" should really re-evaluate your existence. What are you doing in life, besides going through the motions, if you have no thirst for knowledge to better yourself and those around you? "Apathetic" is not a political party or a point of's the absence of both. It means you either know and don't care, or you don't know and don't care (the worse probably being the former). But suddenly you want to get upset when certain political decisions start to visibly affect your life....
Still think nothing in the news is for you?
We aren't in 6th grade anymore...we can't afford to not care.

The world is too big for us to remain content in our little rooms with no windows or doors, thinking that's all there is for us. Free yourself...

*steps off soapbox*


    1. Much props bruh... i had forgotten about hi running and reading speech...

    2. We are just lazy because everything has become so much more convenient. It's easier to sit around the house and become lazy, video games seem more fun than playing outside. We know what we need to do, but why bother when the alternative seems much more appealing? Like we were talking about last week, I feel rewarded when I tear myself away from the television for a weekend and pick up a book to read. I love Books-A-Million and Barnes and Nobles because they are both full of information and entertainment.
      Our laziness is terrible. I get lazy sometimes, so I can speak on it. You can look at Twitter and Facebook and see laziness in word usage and spelling. It has gotten bad. People don't care either, you can read post from people with all sorts of degrees and couldn't tell whether they have a doctorate or just passed their GED test.... almost every has a Smartphone but don't even use the dictionary application or search for information other than what drama some millionair has involved themselves in... sad...

    3. LOVE LOVE LOVE this post! I catch hell all the time when I tell people to do that. It's for your own good!
