Monday, November 1, 2010


I'm staring out the window wishing I was some place other than where I currently am. Staring at the trees sway in the wind. Watching the birds fly through the air and the squirrels jump from limb to limb. Everything outside looks so care free.

I use to sit in my room sometimes and say "I can't wait until I'm grown..."
Well I'm grown now and I'm staring out this window wondering "why I was in a hurry for this?"
Thats life you know. Sometimes its all great and going the way you want it to and there are days when you feel trapped.

So what is freedom?

Many people are under the belief that freedom is the ability to do whatever we want whenever we wan to do it. No questions. No restraint. I believed this at one point too but I realized that it's more to it than that. Yes, I'm free to do whatever I want but to what extent? If you look at it everyone has this freedom but the ones who understand the consequence behind every action tend to make better decisions.

Freedom is not reckless abandonment from responsibility. That's called ignorance and stupidity.
I seriously doubt that the slaves wanted to be free so that they could act a fool in society. I don't think all the Civil Rights protest and movement was so that we could sell crack to, lie to, cheat, steal and kill one another. It was so that we can be recognized as equals.
To be recognized as an equal you have to prove yourself as an equal by acting like an equal. Black people seem to struggle with this concept. Its not the white man's fault... It's your fault.
Stop blaming people for the situations you place yourself into. You have the power and freedom to get out of them and rise above

Freedom, to me, is more internal than anything. To me, its the ability TO DO. Having the ability to provide for your loved ones is freedom. Having the ability to love people who don't really love you or don't feel loved, is freedom. Lending a helping hand to someone in need is freedom.
We look at wealthy people as the most free people in the world cause they are able to do almost anything without restriction. I want to get wealthy on what I already have. So I try to love stronger, stay healthy and stay positive so I can be as free as a can. I don't want sickness or hate to place me in bondage.

In a sense we are all free. We just have to acknowledge what our freedom entitles us to and embrace it. Use it for the purpose of which we are intended to use it for. Be free to love, embrace and share to whomever you want to. Set people free with your love.

Build on what you have. It doesn't happen over night and you can't work with what you don't have.


  1. Know God, know God, no life...We are all free, free to live life here as we please or choose. I admire you honest is what we make it. Who we are is our gift from God...what we DO with who we are is OUR gift to GOD. Nice post...


  2. We have to realize what it is we have and captialize on it. Rather than see what you can get from someone else or what someone is going to give us, see what you can give to others. Lead someone to salvation and stop asking for it yourself
