Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bishop Eddie Long

With all the allegations against Eddie Long, we only thought it mildly appropriate and necessary to speak our mind on the issue that has been presented before us. Please feel free to comment and share your opinions as well. BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop
VP I don't know why we continue to set ourselves up for these disappointments in life. You have to guard yourself at all times against things that just lead down dark roads in life. I'm not blaming the young men involved in the scandal, but if something doesn't feel right, chances are it isn't. I don't know how true the allegations against Bishop Long are, but the situation is not shaping out in his favor. He hasn't denied any of the allegations, but has denied the image that the "media" has branded him. As a representative of the Lord, these allegations shouldn't even be brought up. I heard one girl say, "They need to chill out on the issue cause everyone make mistakes." As true as this statement is, what Eddie long did was not a mistake. Mistakes are unintentional. Using your status and knowledge to sway young misguided men into performing sexual favors for you is beyond a mistake. We hold all our ministers and leaders to a certain standard of trust, that's because they are suppose to be (to a certain extent). Being human is not really an excuse that I accept either. Yes, we all fall short and bad decisions, but we need to own up to these mistakes and take responsibility for our decisions. We know when we are doing right from wrong. As a believer I have to look beyond his flaws, this should not be confused with giving him a free pass for his actions. I can't righteously throw stones at this man for what he did because I don't make the greatest moral decisions all the time myself (I can say that I would not do what he did). We try to measure which sin carries more weight than the other but sin is sin. Wrong is wrong. Doesn't matter how you spin it. You just have to deal with it, accept the consequences and move forward with your life. Allow yourself forgiveness. In saying all this, I do not believe it a wise decision for him to step down from his ministry due to public disgrace. One of our biggest mistakes in life is to condemn ourselves to the point where we stop doing the Lord's work (or for the non-believers, continue with our purpose in life). He was apparently called to ministry so he needs to continue to minister to the people. He should use this opportunity to connect more with his congregation and to face the demons of his alleged homosexuality and predator nature. Even God's chosen people had moral flaws and made bad decisions throughout the Bible: Moses let his anger get the best of him on more than one occasion; Jonah ran from his responsibility and threatened the lives of others; Samson was arrogant, which led to his downfall; David killed so he could have a man's wife, and so on. They still fulfilled the Lord's will. TO allow this man's struggle to push you away from the church and further challenge your faith would be a great mistake. Let this be a lesson to further educate yourself on your own faith and not allow someone to persuade into immorality through the Bible.
This may sound bad to some, but I'm not shocked or surprised. I grew up involved in the church and was that kid who was there 3-4 nights out of the week for choir rehearsal, board meetings, etc.. Many of the pastors of the church were close to my family so I had the opportunity to witness their good and bad first hand. At an early age I came to terms with the fact that religious leaders were no more human than I was. I learned quickly not to put them on a pedestal because outside of the church, I couldn't tell much of a difference between them and my pops or my uncles. With that foundation, I learned to listen to the message they brought and accept them as a vessel, but it was always important for me to read the word for MYSELF and come to my own conclusions rather than completely relying on someone else's interpretation because of the person I perceived them to be...that never made sense to me. They are just as flawed as the rest of us.
Not to give our religious leaders a pass and not to bash them at all, but it just doesn't shock me if one of them messes up. We all fall short, stumble, even fall. If the allegations against Bishop Long are true, I think it's hypocritical to totally condemn him. He should be held accountable for his actions, but forgive that man. We are constantly forgiven, so who are we to throw stones and be unforgiving people? Stop with the speculation, the name calling, and the judgement of what kind of person you think he is and focus solely on what he (allegedly) did. (But the jokes are hysterical! Lol!) Hold people accountable for what they say/do, but never generalize a person's entire character off of one action. That makes YOU wrong and kills your whole argument because you're jumping the gun when you guess at things you can never truly prove.
*Example: I lie to you and you say to me, "You're a liar. I hate liars." ....So you've never told a lie? ...Oh you have? So by your own definition and logic, you're a liar too. So you hate yourself.....?
See? Makes it way too easy for someone to derail your argument VS. "You lied to me. I hate when people lie to me." That keeps the focus on what was actually done and puts the person in a position they can't duck out of. Stick with the facts versus making rash generalizations; it makes for more effective communication. We are in no position to place moral labels on other people. I don't care what you are. I care what you did.
For those using this situation as an excuse for their lack of (or loss of) faith, stop it. Your "faith" was flawed from the jump if this particular situation shakes it. One man's personal actions shouldn't drive you from your beliefs. Faith shouldn't lie in WHO you believe in, but rather WHAT you believe in...
I will not speak on religion or test anyones beliefs (cause i do not see it fair, or worth giving time to for people to argue about), what i will speak on is people.
Since the beginning of time we have always said dont judge one by his/her actions, yet we do it on a daily basis with anyone in any sort of spotlight. We as a people choose to tear down anyone who has more "shine" than ourselves. Wether it be in sports, church, hollywood, gov't. We never want to be judged for OUR actions but if they do it its wrong... TRICK PLEASE!!! No one is perfect and i doubt anyone in our life time will be. We choose to believe that "celebs" are perfect, why i have no idea. I see these people as someone who has a gift and they use it for their benefit. Micheal Vick is a really good (ion know bout great) football player but we judged him like krazy and still do to this day, T.I. is a good rapper (still cant say great) but he made a crappy choice, Bill Clinton was quite possibly the best president in the last 50yrs but he slipped (more than once).
Does that mean we are better than them? No. Just means they did wrong and should get what they deserve. Do i believe in killing animals? No. Do i believe in carrying guns? No. Do i believe in Adultery? No. Do i believe touching little kids is ok? No. should they all be punished? Yes. but if you hold them to a standard you dont hold yourself to then you are just as flawed as them if not more.
If Eddie Long did it send his azz to jail n tell him "have fun". If he didnt then he didnt, and if we never find out then he will get his just due. Is it right to make him guilty prior to finding out no, but if you judge this man what does that make you, what does that say about your belief system, and who gave you the right to say that anyone else should be punished when you dont know the details or facts (dont get it twisted im not defending it AT ALL). So i say to you before you place judgement on someone ask yourself this "Is it my place to judge someone?" We spend so much time judging others turn that mirror on yourself from time to time see if you should be judged. Or is that not Fair?

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